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landing post
John Carter Gonzalez
John Carter Gonzalez
Husband, Developer

Hey there, and welcome to my site!

This blog is powered by Hugo and Emacs Org-Mode. Just a junior engineer eager to dive into the world of coding and technology, I've decided to document my journey through this digital landscape. You can expect a mix of my experiences, the 'Aha!' moments that light up my path, and yes, even the occasional head-scratching challenges that come my way. This blog is more than just a diary of my coding adventures; it's an open invitation to join me on this quest for knowledge and growth. I believe in the power of sharing and learning from the incredible tech community out there. So, grab your virtual coffee, get comfy, and let's embark on this coding odyssey together. We're in this together, unraveling the mysteries of the tech world, one blog post at a time.

Regards, JohnCarter Gonzalez